Whole Forest story began in 2002, when Peter Pinchot, a recent graduate of the Yale School of Forestry, took a trip to visit his close friend, David Smith, who was volunteering for the Peace Corp in Cristobal Colón, Ecuador. The bus took Peter down a dusty unpaved road that wound through steep Andean farmland, through the cloud forest, eventually flattening out onto the agricultural lands of the coastal plain. Cristobal Colón, a tiny town of 400, was the last town at the end of the road, situated at the very edge of the Chocó forest, one of the last remaining coastal rainforests in Ecuador. Once a lush rainforest filled with wildlife, much of the forest was now pockmarked with cacao and African oil palm plantations. Local families were making a subsistence living by logging illegally, grazing cattle, or working on oil palm plantations. After a month in the town, Peter realized that only 5% of the original Chocó forest still remained intact, and that this patchwork of land use was destroying one of the most bio-diverse ecosystems in the world. Get most recent Whole Forest Coupons, Discount Coupons, Free Shipping Code, Voucher Code and Promotional Code to spare cash.